
UK Senior Golf Association

United Kingdom Senior Golf Association UKSGA

In the beginning ...

During the years prior to 2000 a number of prominent Senior Golfers in England and Wales had been working toward the formation of organised golf for golfers over the age of 55 years. In November 2000, at a meeting at Trevose Golf Club, it was decided, by about forty golfers who were participating in an unofficial inter-regional match, to form an Association to provide this form of golf under the proposed banner of the English Senior Golf Association.

Four of the main protagonists in the initial stages of the proposals were

  • Donald Holmes of Parkstone GC
  • Brian Evans of Littlestone GC
  • John Loader of Beau Desert GC
  • Grahame Yule of Royal Lytham & St Annes GC

and these four Senior Golfers encouraged interest in their various regions in England.

Difficulty arose over the proposed title of the Association, as it was considered that the title could be confused with other existing bodies and it was therefore decided, in conjunction with the existing Welsh Senior Golf Association, to combine memberships and change the proposed title to  The United Kingdom Senior Golf Association.

The new Association is now structured on a regional basis namely English Midland, English Northern, English South Eastern, English South Western, Scotland and Wales. Each region has appointed a representative to co-ordinate activities in the region but the responsibility for membership, and general administrative matters will be conducted by the Honorary Secretary.

By coincidence the County Secretary of Sussex County Golf Union, Dennis Pulford, was retiring in December and he joined the Association to assist with the initial membership recruitment and the setting up of the administrative procedures required for such an ambitious project.

Progress has been rapid since the start of 2001, the membership is increasing by some 10 to 15 per week and by mid May 2001 had reached 230 members.

The Association was and still is initially restricting membership to golfers of eight handicap and below but some anticipated that the interest shown so far indicated a demand for this to be reconsidered and to consider means to accommodate the higher handicap categories. Membership is only open to golfers who are members of golf clubs affiliated to the County Unions.

During the first year four main events had been planned. Members individual events were held at Beau Desert GC on 23 rd/24 th July, at Littlestone GC on 17 th/18 th September and a third event at Trevose in the Western Region in the Autumn. This meeting was planned to follow the Inter Regional Team event on the 30 th October to the 2 nd November and became the first UKSGA Championship. Whilst the main prizes were playing from scratch it wais intended to include Age Group and handicap prizes. These were of course to depend on the number of entries.




Spring Meeting

South East


Summer Meeting


Beau Desert

Inter Region Foursomes

South West



South West


Events are only open to members of the Association.

The Association is not a commercial concern and is managed by an elected committee its objectives being to encourage the organisation and development of golf for Senior Amateur golfers.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.