During the years prior to 2001 a number of prominent Senior Golfers in England and Wales had been working toward the formation of organised golf for golfers over the age of 55 years. In November 2000, at a meeting at Trevose Golf Club, it was decided, by about forty golfers who were participating in an unofficial inter-regional match, to form an Association under the proposed banner of the English Senior Golf Association.
Four of the main protagonists in the initial stages of the proposals were
• Donald Holmes of Parkstone GC
• Brian Evans of Littlestone GC
• John Loader of Beau Desert GC
• Grahame Yule of Royal Lytham & St Annes GC
and these four Senior Golfers encouraged interest in their various regions in England.
Difficulty arose over the proposed title of the Association, as it was considered that the title could be confused with other existing bodies and it was therefore decided, in conjunction with the existing Welsh Senior Golf Association, to combine memberships and change the proposed title to The United Kingdom Senior Golf Association.
The Association is not a commercial concern and is managed by an elected committee. The Association's Objestives are to provide quality scratch golf for male golfers over 55 years of age.
The Committee comprises of a President, the Treasurer and upto 4 other Committee members as well as the National Secretary who administers and runs the tournaments.
The Association has grown significantly since the start in 2001, and the membership now approaches 500.
Membership is only open to golfers who are members of golf clubs affiliated to the County Unions.
During the first year four tournaments were held. This has since grown to 18 tournaments which are only open to members of the Association. Each tournament comprises two rounds on consecutive days. The average field size is now in excess of 110. The tournaments are held in all parts of England and Wales and in 2019 we visited Scotland for the first time. The Association runs an annual Order of Merit to determine the best scratch and handicap golfers in various age categories.
The Association enters teams into the European Championships run by the European Senior Golf Association. These generally comprise of 6 scratch and six handicap players who are selected based on the Order of Merit. The Association has enjoyed considerable success especially in the scratch events over the years.