
UK Senior Golf Association

United Kingdom Senior Golf Association UKSGA

UKSGA Orders of Merit, National Trophies & Selection of Teams

During the year we will hold several qualifying events from the beginning of March to Trevose in November.  Various Orders of Merit will be maintained over the year that will accumulate members best 6 scores throughout the year.

At Trevose, the winner of the Orders of Merit for Seniors (55+), Super Seniors (65+) and UK Masters (70+) will each win the Association's Silver Salvers for both scratch and handicap categories.

These Orders of Merit will also be used to select teams to represent the UKSGA in the ESGA Seniors & Super Seniors Championships in the following year. Additionally, for the ESGA Masters (75+) Championships a dedicated Order of Merit will be used for members who play in our qualifying events after they have reached the age of 75.

As we progress through the year, the current Orders of Merit will be used to select teams to represent the UKSGA competing in friendly annual competitions with Spain, Sweden, Norway, the Scottish Senior Golf Association and others.

For our annual  National Finals, normally held in September/October we will compete for the following three trophies on the day:

The David Frame Trophy (55+)

The Brian Evans Trophy (65+) 

The Peter Belsham Trophy (70+)

Winners of these prestigious trophies are shown under the COMPETITIONS - BOARD Competitions tab above.

Good luck to you all.

Nigel Hilliard


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